Podczas gdy kolejne państwa decydują się na wprowadzenie przepustek sanitarnych (tzw. paszportów covidowych), opinia publiczna reaguje coraz liczniejszymi protestami. Czy są to duże protesty? Czym dokładnie kierują się manifestanci? Trudno ocenić nie będąc na miejscu.
Jednak fakt, że się odbywają i niewiele się o nich mówi w polskich mediach głównego nurtu zasługuje na szczególną wzmiankę, szczególnie, jeśli nie chcemy, aby przeniesiono “zachodnie” rozwiązania na polskie podwórko.
Czy popieram te protesty? Co do zasady – tak. Dlaczego? Bo uważam, przepustki sanitarne to bardzo zły pomysł, który może odbić się czkawką każdemu z nas, bez względu na indywidualny stosunek do szczepień. O tym zresztą pisałem w dwóch poniższych tekstach, do których serdecznie zapraszam:
- Segregacja sanitarna: niezdrowe lekarstwo na strach przed rzeczywistością
- Pełzające utopie: czy grożą nam “paszporty węglowe
Jeśli nie widać wideo, poczekaj moment – z uwagi na ich dużą liczbę mogą wczytywać się z opóźnieniem.
(Wpis zainspirowany publikacją na łamach Brownstone Institute).
Włochy, Genua
As one of the key cities that started the anti-lockdown movement, Genova takes to the streets today to join the tens of millions protesting around the world. pic.twitter.com/OJkXBYR3gl
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021
Tbilisi, Gruzja
Tbilisi, Georgia stands up with the world today.
pic.twitter.com/2LpIqtJ1uk— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Londyn, UK
“No vaxx passports! No vaxx passports!”
pic.twitter.com/MdapqTcD7d— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Vancouver, Kanada
Today, Vancouver joins the global movement for freedom.
pic.twitter.com/7LPDD5UJnS— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne rises with the rest of the world today.
pic.twitter.com/hul4VDJlHa— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Can you believe the media ignores this scene from Melbourne?
Protests today to end COVID law.
pic.twitter.com/lHOu1BLAtJ— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Irlandia Północna
Northern Ireland stands up and is counted.
From today.
pic.twitter.com/j8cXhENpTc— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Switzerland protests tonight against medical discrimination.
pic.twitter.com/8hLrkSrEf5— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Zurich rises today in force to stop medical segregation and to recall COVID emergency powers.
pic.twitter.com/Ovm1zYkAYE— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Wiedeń, Austria
Austria takes a strategy from the Australian police handbook on how to deal with COVID.
From Vienna tonight.
pic.twitter.com/VCIVRFkLKi— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
~100,000 Austrians chant, “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”
pic.twitter.com/IfELFaMTGj— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
“Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”
From Vienna today👇🏼
pic.twitter.com/EmBrr72uTh— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Linz, Austria
Austria enters full lockdown tomorrow. Here is what the streets look like.
Linz today.
pic.twitter.com/UvKtFrLVZP— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Nowa Zelandia
New Zealand showed up for today’s global protest.
From today👇🏼
pic.twitter.com/LqYtyJFvtl— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Budapeszt, Węgry
Budapest joins the global protest today against COVID mandates.
pic.twitter.com/qdIai3Bjs1— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Croatia lights up the night and demands an end to COVID tyrants. Freedom!
pic.twitter.com/7Sxj2IIyhQ— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Wow! Croatia turns out in stunning force to stop medical segregation. They demand an end to the “new normal”.
pic.twitter.com/haJU4shruJ— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Croatians come out in astonishing numbers today to call for an end to the COVID panic and authoritarianism.
pic.twitter.com/MOMZ7pBpWK— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Zagreb, Croatia speaks. No more COVID law.
pic.twitter.com/9IQ8GkendP— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
The Dutch police have lost control of the streets tonight as angry protestors vandalize police equipment as an act of rebellion against looming lockdowns.
pic.twitter.com/UryZGnb0JH— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
After riots and protests all night in Rotterdam, the Dutch return to the streets today in the capital.
Amsterdam today.
pic.twitter.com/z1TH7o5qUe— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
The Dutch have had enough of COVID law and their elected leaders.
Tonight in the Netherlands
pic.twitter.com/PPjnn4LFBM— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 19, 2021
Toronto, Canada
Canada joins the global protest today. A massive turnout in Toronto.
pic.twitter.com/lVTan3nrTv— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 21, 2021
Denmark stands up with the rest of Europe tonight to call for an end to lockdowns and mandates.
pic.twitter.com/dlVmI7aqTC— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Oslo, Norwegia
Norway issues a vaxx pass yet cases are still rising. The people have had enough.
Oslo tonight.
pic.twitter.com/mwSHyBYpXe— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Finland joins the global protest today. One of the first major protests in Finland against COVID tyranny.
pic.twitter.com/Zjd1Cla7Uq— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Manchester, England
Protestors in Manchester today take over the streets to roll back COVID emergency powers still in place after two years.
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Mediolan, Włochy
Italians ignore police orders and take over the streets tonight in Milan.
pic.twitter.com/2tvNhAlAjP— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Rzym, Włochy
Rome stands strong tonight.
pic.twitter.com/plYmtfUG7w— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Holy smokes! Rome today 👇🏼
pic.twitter.com/EVyimoW2qW— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Turyn, Włochy
Turin, Italy this week protesting for an end to the green pass.
pic.twitter.com/Nf1XCCnbe1— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 19, 2021
Neapol, Włochy
Naples continues to resist the new normal.
pic.twitter.com/zFV9bWfo4G— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 19, 2021
Florencja, Włochy
Florence tonight resists the end of free Italy.
pic.twitter.com/tRkoFEe5oU— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 15, 2021
Florence sings the song of the anti-mandate movement as protests have taken the world by storm…
pic.twitter.com/oBArmymuES— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 14, 2021
Perth, Australia
An amazing image from Perth calling for an end to the new medical police state.
pic.twitter.com/iU8cnll8U3— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
An amazing scene in Perth today as tens of thousands of protestors gather to stop the destruction of their free country.
pic.twitter.com/qza1rHAjeQ— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Brisbane, Australia
Brisbane marches today to end Australia’s drift back towards a police state.
pic.twitter.com/oOjCaeQTCj— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 17, 2021
Paryż, Francja
The French police lose control of anti-government and anti-mandate protestors in Paris today.
pic.twitter.com/e3YYpMDXb5— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
From Paris today, an endless stream of anti-mandate and pro-liberty protestors.
pic.twitter.com/Ftw5mNCUOL— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Nicea, Francja
An amazing protest in Nice, France today against COVID law.
pic.twitter.com/6XKLCTYoWd— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 20, 2021
Montpellier, Francja
A massive protest in Montpellier, France yesterday against COVID mandates.
pic.twitter.com/Q4x2X9B2ME— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 14, 2021
Greece last night remembering their previous fights for freedom and resisting the looming COVID lockdown.
pic.twitter.com/PSoEIniGD3— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 19, 2021
Praga, Czechy
A massive demonstration against COVID law the other night in Prague on the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution.
pic.twitter.com/Q6uYWe8V9e— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 18, 2021
Prague rises to stop expanding their vaxx mandate and vaxx passport tonight.
pic.twitter.com/Vf9cKXqo0F— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 17, 2021
Slovakia takes to the streets to stop a looming third lockdown spreading across Europe.
pic.twitter.com/DZ5a4u3ERO— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 18, 2021
Germany threatens yet another lockdown so they people go to the streets.
pic.twitter.com/okPDczkTLM— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 17, 2021
A protest in Spain today against COVID law.
pic.twitter.com/4UuglJthJk— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt)
November 15, 2021
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